
 ER Forum/Posters/Demos 2019:This page lists some resources, articles, slides of presentations and videos that contain detailed information on FEM:

  1. Bider, I., Perjons, E., Elias, M. & Johannesson, P., 2017. A fractal enterprise model and its application for business development. Software & Systems Modeling, 16(3), pp.663–89.
  2. Bider, I. & Perjons, E., 2018. Defining Transformational Patterns for Business Model Innovation. In Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 17th International Conference, BIR 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, LNBIP. Springer, pp.81-95. Slides with vido.
  3.  Bider, I. & Perjons, E., 2017. Using a Fractal Enterprise Model for Business Model Innovation. In BPMDS 2017 RADAR, CEUR Vol 1859., pp.20-29. Slides of presentation with video recording.
  4. Bider, I., Perjons, E. Using Fractal Enterprise Model to Assist Complexity Management. In: BIR Short papers, Workshops and Doctoral Consortium 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 2218, 2018, pp. 233-238. Slides with video.
  5. Bider I., Chalak A. (2019) Evaluating Usefulness of a Fractal Enterprise Model Experience Report. In: Reinhartz-Berger I., Zdravkovic J., Gulden J., Schmidt R. (eds) Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. BPMDS 2019, EMMSAD 2019. LNBIP, vol. 352. Springer.
  6. Bider, I. Regev, G. Perjons, E., 2019. Using Enterprise Models to Explain and Discuss Autopoiesis and Homeostasis in Socio-technical Systems. In CSIMQ, No 22, 2020, pp.21-38. Slides of presentation with video recording.
  7. Bider, I., Lodhi, A. Moving from Manufacturing to Software Business: A Business Model Transformation Pattern Enterprise Information Systems, 2020, LNBIP, Vol. 378, pp.514-530
  8. Henkel, M, Koutsopoulos, G., Bider, I. Using the Fractal Enterprise Model for Inter-organizational Business Processes, ER Forum/Posters/Demos 2019, CEUR, Vol. 2469, pp. 56-69
  9. Josefsson, M., Widman, K. & Bider, I., 2015. Using the Process-Assets Framework for Creating a Holistic View over Process Documentation. In Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling, Stockholm, Sweden, Springer, LNBIP, pp.169-83. Slides of presentation